Electromagnetic holder S2
Electromagnetic fire door holders

MODEL S2 is generally supplied with adjustable keeper plate (S01), a release button and protection circuit. It's available with holding force of 500 or 1000 Newton, 24Vdc. Power supply wires can enter from down or from the sides via special tear-off tabs. Both the base for the fixing of the magnet (black) and its cover are made of plastic material. The attention in the choice of the material has realised a light but strong product. Its compact design results particularly pleasant also in places where estetic is important.
electromagnetic holder electromagnetic door holder electromagnetic fire door holder Ventouse maintien de porte ouverte Ventouses et bandeaux électromagnétiques ventouse de rétension ventouse eléctromagnétique à rupture, Elektro-Haftmagnete, Ventouses électromagnétiques pour des ensemblesde blocage, Electroimanes de retención para sistemas de bloqueo Türhaftmagnet