Force 300Kg


Electromagnet 300kg (or 2x300kg in the EDT31M-0D1 version) complete with handle, suitable for installation on the fixture surface.

The integrated handle (to be installed on the door) hides the electromagnet which is installed on the frame of the fixture.

A closing delay available (settable on the electromagnet), two-color LED that identifies the status (open = green - closed = red), N.C.-N.O. contacts.

Various accessories available to complete the installation, such as:

Door loops passacavo 2
passacavo 1
passacavo 3 
Push-button  pulsante 1  pulsante 2  pulsante 3
Thickness compensation plates


EDT31M-000 Electromagnet with 300mm handle, without push-button EDT31M-000
EDT31M-001 Electromagnet with 300mm handle, with push-button EDT31M
EDT31M-0L1 Electromagnet with 600mm handle, with push-button EDT31M-0L1
EDT31M-0D1 Double electromagnet with 1000mm handle, with push-button EDT31M-0D1



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